Emergency/ Student Release Procedures
Hubbard Emergency Procedures
Hubbard Elementary has a clearly defined Integrated Safe School Plan that focuses on proper planning and action before, during, and after a severe earthquake or school-wide emergency. This plan is evaluated and updated annually. We ask for your cooperation and support in following our procedures during an emergency.
IMPORTANT: If you need to pick up your child in a declared emergency, you must bring your ID.
Hubbard Elementary staff is trained in emergency procedures, and we have emergency equipment at the school site. If you are able to pick up your child in an emergency, we can only release children to those people listed on the child's emergency card. The adult picking up the child must also show an ID so we can ensure the safety of all of our students.
Other Resources for Families: On this page, you can also find several guides and resources to help families prepare in the event of a major emergency and/or natural disaster. We encourage you to download these resources and develop a family plan in case of an emergency.
Student Release Procedures
The following student emergency release procedure is designed to ensure that parents/guardians know where to go to pick up their children in the event of a school-wide emergency or an event that causes students to be released at an unplanned time. The additional benefits of the release program are to lessen the confusion/panic of an unplanned event and to ensure that students are released only to those people who are written on the emergency card.
Parent Notification of School Emergency:
In the event of a school-wide emergency, the school will send out a phone message through blackboard connect, provided the phones are working. The system will only call the primary number identified in our system. It should also be noted that phones may not be answered at the school in the event of an emergency. Please tune in to the local radio stations for updated information.
Student Release Procedure:
- After the initial emergency evacuations, students and teachers are trained to assemble in a specified location. No students will be released until after they move to the emergency assembly area.
- Your student will only be released to the parent/guardian or someone designated by the parent/guardian on the emergency card.
- When you arrive on campus to pick up your child, follow the protocol and remain calm.
1. Prior to arriving:
A. Bring I.D. (driver’s license or passport). This is critically important to ensure that the students are released only to authorized people.
2. Arriving at school:
A. Park in a safe location. Do not block driveways, gates, or parking lot.
B. When it is safe to pick up your child following an emergency, you will need to follow a special process to ensure everyone’s safety. The Request Gate (located on Beaver St) is the station set up to identify yourself to school staff and request that your child be sent out. You must bring I.D., and you must be listed on the child’s emergency card in order to check a child out. You will then report to the Reunion Gate (located by the auditorium Gate 7) on Kismet, where your child will be brought to you. Separating the two gates keeps crowding down and lessens anxiety for children who may become frightened by a large crowd of parents. Please make sure that all contact information for your child is currently at school so that we can reach you in the event of an emergency.
**Remember you must be listed on the emergency card. NO EXCEPTIONS!
C. This procedure will take time! Do not be in a hurry or panic. The protocol is set up to make sure each child is released to an authorized adult, to account for each child, and to make the atmosphere as calm and non-stressful as possible for both the students (who are waiting) and the parents/guardians (who are checking them out).
D. After signing out the children, we ask that you leave the campus immediately.